

来源:襄阳市诺兰心理咨询中心 | 发布时间:2016.11.25


how to fix the procrastinating


    Iwant to do many things, but I always adjourn any action, I always postponeuntil the end of the day. I want to change, but I cannot. I am still postponing and only deal withthings until the last minute. How can I fix this postponing?  

  Rakendra:Whenever the question - ‘how to fix this problem?” - is raised, it simplymean that the questioner does not want to look at the issue directly and istrying to avoid facing what is happening to him/her.


  This is the main barrier because then the issue will move to someunconscious part of the psyche and cause more trouble.So the first thing is: never try to change or fix any pattern of behaviorbut always look in term of transforming. 这是主要的障碍,因为如此以来需要被处理的问题就会转移到心智的无意识部分,并创造出更多的麻烦。因此首先要做的就是:永远不要试图去改变或解决任何行为模式,而是去看如何进行转化。    

  And for transformation to take place awareness is needed; so the first stepis to become more aware, more conscious of what it happening for me.Generalizing only creates confusion. 要让转化发生,觉知是需要的。因此一步是要变得更加觉知,去意识到当下对我而言发生着什么。泛泛的概括只会导致混乱。  
  Saying: ‘Iwant to do many things, but I always adjourn any action’ is too general, one needs to look at more specificsituation that occur in one’s life. Take one situation and go through it stepby step. This will bring clarity to what exactly is happening and with clarity,some understanding will take place. 只是说“我经常有很多事想做,但是行动上经常跟不上”太笼统了。一个人需要去查看在他生活中发生的具体情况。针对一个具体的情况,一步步地去检视它。这会让人明晰到底正在发生什么,而有了这份明晰之后,一些认识就会产生。    

  The understanding that: I am acting like this, in this case: postponing,because I fear to face something.And then the next question will arise: what is it that I fear to face? 认识到:我之所以这样行为,在这个例子中,拖延,是因为我害怕面对某些事情。然后下一个问题就会升起:我害怕面对的是什么呢?  

    Maybe this is not known at first and that’s Ok; just realize that there isa fear there and that this fear needs to be looked at.So we are back to the previous answer on how to drop fear. The same stepsapply. 也许刚开始答案是未知的,这也没有关系。只是认识到恐惧存在,并需要被看到。如此以来我们就回到了前面那个关于如何放下恐惧的回答。采用相同的步骤即可。     With Love Rakendra 带着爱, 诺肯佐拉  


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